Friday, March 19, 2010

I just can't find the time to write my mind the way I want it to read

While I acknowledge that there has been little to no activity here at Seabass Says lately, I do have an explaination for all 4 of you concerned citizens of the internet.  After weathering a round of layoffs at work, I'm now responsible for 2 jobs worth of work, so I don't even have lunchtime to take care of feeding rambling and YouTube links to my hungry blog.  In addition to my work time demands, I'm busy studying for a big important certification exam when I have free time at home (and if I'm not studying, I'm catching up on Tivoed shows because my brain has turned to complete mush).  The exam is in the middle of April, so I hope to post more often after that.  In the meantime, I'll try to get a few quick posts up here and there.  To further explain my plight, I turn to Messers Tweedy and Browne:

Wilco - Box Full of Letters

Jackson Browne - Running on Empty

Friday, March 5, 2010

Beautiful Blues Indeed

In bittersweet celebration of yours truly weathering the storm of layoffs that has been gathering for the last month or more, I offer the somehow perfectly fitting group of songs that played on my work computer as the fit hit the shan (I picked ridiculous videos to bookend this on purpose...I need a good dose of silly right now):

"Countdown" by Phoenix

"Caring is Creepy" by The Shins

"Adrift" by Jack Johnson

"Mr. E's Beautiful Blues" by Eels

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Lost Month of Febtober

It was the thirteenth day of the thirteenth month...

So February was a bit of a lost month here at Seabass Says.  I plan on getting back into this and picking up the pace through March.  In the meantime, I leave you with this gem (stick around at least through the 1:30 mark.  I don't really have the words in me to describe it):